Have your say | Suggestion box

Your voice matters! At the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), we believe in the power of collaboration to shape a meaningful and impactful World Cancer Congress programme. That's why we're excited to introduce "Have your say" – your direct line to influence the agenda. Our Congress programme isn't just crafted by a select few; it's a collaborative effort between our Programme Committee and the vibrant cancer control community. With your valuable insights and suggestions, we can ensure that our programme reflects the diverse perspectives and cutting-edge advancements in the field.

Participating is easy – simply drop your ideas, recommendations for speakers and topics of interest into our suggestion box. Whether it's a groundbreaking research study, a thought-provoking panel discussion, or a keynote speaker suggestion, every contribution counts. Together, let's make this Congress an unforgettable experience, driven by the collective wisdom and passion of our community. Thank you for being a vital part of shaping the future of cancer control. Your voice matters – so let it be heard!

Please share your idea / suggestion for the World Cancer Congress 2024 Programme

We welcome all ideas such as topics, speakers or session formats.

Your contact details (optional)

We'd greatly appreciate it if you could provide your contact information for further discussion on your suggestions, but please know that this is entirely optional.

By ticking the box above you agree to the use of your personal data so we may contact you, should we need further information regarding your suggestions. You also agree to the Privacy policy.​​​​​​​